Personal Help and Privacy Policy

App users only pay the purchase price of the app.

You can get assistance on-line from a Billings Method fertility educator. Just use the Email button in the main menu, enter your question and tap the Submit button. You will receive a reply message within 24 hours.

No personal identifying information is contained in your fertility records.

Privacy Policy

September 1, 2022

The billingsMentor app is developed by Webmatics Pty Ltd.

The app is self-contained on the smart phone and the app does not transmit any data over the internet during normal operation. It uses the internet to access help data.

The user can act to have the app transmit her fertility data to the billingsMentor server (  where it is stored and available to other app users to whom the user provides the necessary password access. There is no personal identifying information contained in this database.



JABFM – Online Survey

The Performance of Fertility Awareness-based Method Apps Marketed to Avoid Pregnancy; JABFM July–August 2016 Vol. 29 No. 4 pp. 508-511. Introduction: In recent years there has been an explosion in the development of medical apps, with more than 40,000 apps now available. Nearly 100 apps allow women to track their fertility and menstrual cycles and can be used to avoid or achieve pregnancy…
Read the full article here »