Five Steps to Learning the Billings Method and Fertility Awareness…
Ovulation (the release of one or more eggs from an ovary) occurs within a 24 hour period and only once during a menstrual cycle.…
You can share your records with a fertility educator and ask questions.…
What is billingsMentor® (ovulationMentor)?
BillingsMentor is a web service and cell phone App that guides you in observing, recording and
interpreting your fertility signs and symptoms according to the Billings Method.

Signs and Symptoms
Understand the signs and symptoms of fertility and learn to recognise your Peak day, which is the most fertile day in your cycle.…

Rules of the Billings Method – rules for the pre-ovulatory phase – Peak rule …

Need more information? Simply fill out our contact form & we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible…